Fidgeting balances stress with humor, and emotion with physical expression. This jewelry collection arises from a self-representation of my personality: rather than hiding my bad habits, I decided to put them under the spotlight. This jewelry line presents three prototypes for wearable designs intended to help users break bad habits: in particular biting nails, cracking knuckles and touching earlobe. By exploring the therapeutic potential of interactivity and tactility, this series investigates how accessories can help offload physical or emotional tension. Fidgeting is presented through photography, technical drawings, and objects which collectively show how these wearable designs go beyond pure function to embrace an aesthetic form.
Fidgeting - Cracking Knuckles
Fidgeting - Cracking Knuckles, Jewelry Collection, 2022-2023, BFA Thesis, Ring, Silver, Steel Wire, Wool, 9.5 x 4cm
Fidgeting - Touching Earlobes
Fidgeting - Touching Earlobes, Jewelry Collection, 2022-2023, BFA Thesis, Earring, Steel Wire, Plastic, 5 x 7.5 cm
Fidgeting - Biting Fingernails
Fidgeting - Biting Fingernails, Jewelry Collection, 2022-2023, BFA Thesis, Ring, Steel Wire, Plastic, 2.3 x 5 cm
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