La vie en rose, 2019, mp4 video, Adobe Premiere Pro
"La vie en rose" serves as the backdrop, symbolizing the moment when two individuals fall in love, time appears to hasten, and the world seems extraordinarily beautiful. This is depicted through a black-and-white video chronicling the enduring love story of a married couple, who continue to live in their "la vie en rose" moment after many years together. The concept is also underscored by pink details, such as flowers or a scarf.
Changes, 2022, mp4 video, Adobe Premiere Pro, Video editing done by me, Videos downloaded from the internet 
Changes, 2022, mp4 video, Adobe Premiere Pro, Video editing done by me, Videos downloaded from the internet 
"Bewildered" and "lost." The narrative depicts a wealthy young woman who seemingly has everything—from luxury cars and designer clothes to invitations to the most exclusive parties and ceremonies. Yet, despite her material abundance, she remains unhappy and depressed, feeling isolated and out of place in her surroundings. The video is presented as though projected from the character's mouth, giving the impression that she is narrating her own story and finally articulating her feelings to the audience. However, this glimmer of hope fades by the video's end when the character appears to swallow the video, symbolizing her ongoing struggle with inner turmoil and her inability to free herself from emotional distress.
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